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Georgia Film Industry Generates $9.5 Billion Impact on State Economy

Georgia’s film industry has generated a $9.5-billion impact for the state’s economy during FY 2017. Gov. Nathan Deal’s office made the announcement this week. The 320 feature film and television productions shot in Georgia represent $2.7 in direct spending. Deal call the state’s growth in the industry unprecedented. Georgia went from $67.7 million in direct spending in FY 2007 to $2.7 billion in FY 2017.

The economic impact of the film industry can be felt across multiple sectors. In addition to camera, lighting and audio equipment, film companies use a wide range of support services during production including catering, construction, transportation, accounting and payroll and post-production. 

The governor says the state has also increased infrastructure to accommodate larger productions with more capacity for multiple film projects. The film and television productions shot in Georgia during the past year include, several Marvel movies, Netflix's "Stranger Things" and AMC's "The Walking Dead."